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What is a positive pressure isolation gown?

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Hospitals generally need to use isolation gowns. In some special departments, wards and other places, patients need more stringent protection. When entering and leaving these special places, isolation gowns that can block the spread of pathogens play a very important role. The role of. The positive pressure isolation gown is a kind of isolation gown. So, let's take a closer look at what is a positive pressure isolation gown?

Here is the content list:

  • Definition of positive pressure isolation gown

  • Standard requirements for positive pressure isolation gowns

  • Treatment after taking off the positive pressure isolation gown

Definition of positive pressure isolation gown

The positive pressure isolation gown is designed to prevent biological hazards. Since there is a positive pressure inside the isolation gown, the pressure outside the  isolation gown is relatively small, so that the air pressure is used to isolate the experimenter from the outside world. Generally speaking, positive pressure isolation gowns are used in biosafety level four laboratories.

Standards and requirements for positive pressure isolation gowns

First of all, the length of the positive pressure isolation gown must be appropriate, and the work clothes must be completely covered, and there must be no mildew, holes, etc. In addition, the positive pressure isolation gown can only be used in the isolation area. Different types of isolation need to be replaced with different positive pressure isolation gown. After wearing the isolation gown, it is not allowed to enter the clean area. Moreover, the positive pressure isolation gown needs to be replaced every 24 hours. If it is wet or contaminated, a new positive pressure isolation gown needs to be replaced immediately. In addition, the used positive pressure isolation gown should be clearly distinguished from its clean side and contaminated side, and care should be taken not to allow the two sides to collide with each other when putting on and taking off.

Treatment after taking off the positive pressure isolation gown

Hang the positive pressure isolation gown on the hook. If the positive pressure isolation gown is hung in a semi-contaminated area, it needs to be cleaned outward; if it is hung in a contaminated area, the contaminated surface needs to be outward. If the positive pressure isolation gown is no longer worn, the clean side should be folded outward after it is taken off, and placed in a contaminated bag. It needs to be disinfected before intensive treatment.

Rhycom is a professional manufacturer and exporter of isolation gown products in China. It can ensure that the entire production process meets the technical requirements of isolation gown production. The isolation gown it produces can not only effectively isolate various external liquids and filter volatile gases, but also avoid Direct contact has good air permeability, and can also pass small particles and dust, and the design is reasonable, and it is both close and comfortable to wear. Rhycom has always adhered to high standards, strict requirements, and high quality to ensure the life and health of medical staff to the greatest extent.

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